We are applying for grants on this project:

Zyx: Nodalized Creation Port

Poly-Chain Files Market Application


Zyx is a decentralized application concept designed to enhance the exchange, trade, and management of digital assets within the community of artistic/architectural creators who use electronic media to express themselves. It aims to address the economic issue of job scarcity and facilitate their organization to add value. We propose automating electronic contracts for exchange/funding of local contests and initiatives using blockchain networks like Cardano, Solana and Bitcoin L2 on the platform, providing a secure, open-source environment for users to buy, sell, and trade digital products (3D models, CAD, stock videos, images, design files, and more).

ZYX, Virtual exchange, Bitcoin Lightning, Solana, Cardano, Blockchain integration, Digital assets, Decentralized marketplace, Architecture, Digital design, ADA, SOL, BTC, Cryptocurrency, Smart contracts, Security, Trust, Scalability, Interoperability, Payment mechanism, Transaction facilitation, Proof of stake, Encryption protocols, LND, Lightning Network, Metamask, Phantom, Flint, decentralized finance (DeFi), gamified government, innovation.

Mockup on FigmaRepository on Github